Subcontractors: Be Visible, Get Hired

The Job Website for Subcontractors

Powerful Listing

Create a free listing for your business. Get seen by more employers. We call you to help out.

Qualified Upgrade

We check your references and verify that you're a high-quality business professional.

Find Jobs

List your business on The Worktool and get found by our member contractors!

Get Hired Fast

Our 1-Click COI lets contractors hire you and request your insurance certificate with one click.

Get Work with The Worktool

Contractors can Find Subcontractors to Hire with the Worktool

Step 1. List Your Business

 Create a free listing for your business on The Worktool.  Contractors can browse your listing for free and contact you with jobs.


Step 2. Upgrade to a Qualified Listing

 The Qualified Listing badge indicates that we’ve called you and checked your insurance and references.

Step 3. Get Found for Work

With a Qualified Listing badge, your profile shows up first when contractors look for subcontractors to hire.

Free Business Listing

Your business profile is always visible — never hidden — in The Worktool pro list. Contractors can see your listing directly. You can add to your company’s listing with references and pictures of your work. It’s like a free advertisement.

Qualified Pro - Appear First in Search

The Worktool has a “Find a Subcontractor” function that lets contractors search for someone with your skills.  If you upgrade to Qualified Pro, your qualified listing appears at the top of search results.

1-Click COI Button Saves You Time

Connect Directly to Your Insurance Broker

Whenever you get hired, you must provide your hiring contractor with a COI.  It can take time away from your work to get your COI.  With The Worktool, you connect your insurance agent once, and one click delivers your COI form to your employer.  Never chase down insurance paperwork again!

The Worktool App
By Contractors, For Contractors

Receive Job Leads

Receive leads and job offers in the app, and follow up easily.


Improve Visibility

Qualified Pro listing service verifies license, business description, and portfolio information. Qualified Badge appears first in Search.

Pro List and Subcontractor Finder

Pro list and Subcontractor finder helps Contractors and Subcontractors find one another.


1-Click COI Request

No more chasing after paperwork. One click sends a request.

1-Click Supplement Review

Earn 10% to 50% more. Make sure you get paid for all your insurance work.

Worktool Manager

Look for our upcoming Worktool Manager for simple tools that help you do better business.

Copyright The Worktool, Inc. 2020